I Love Pet Adoption


As I intend to present a balanced view of human behavior in these posts, this entry relates a happier “tail” than the last. After all, I shouldn’t be a complete Debbie Downer, right? And what could be more warm, fuzzy, and positive than pet adoption? Probably babies, but I don’t come across the tiny hordes regularly enough to justify an entire post about them.

sweetiemore Sweetie

Sweetie, an adorable female Silky, was rescued from the nefarious puppy mills of sunny South Florida. By the time she adopted her new family, Sweetie had given birth to at least five litters of puppies. Sweetie adopted some of my favorite people; my sister in law Elizabeth, and her mother Renate.

“There she was, climbing her cage, not responding to anyone, desperately afraid, I thought that no one would adopt her, so we took her in.” – Renate Valenti

Renate, wonderful woman that she was rest her soul, chose Sweetie not on the basis of how cute she was, nor how affectionate, but on the basis of the dog’s need. And she was certainly not affectionate, Sweetie barely even barked much less sought out human attention, but the terrified little thing desperately needed a home. A prime example of human selflessness. By the time Renate had passed away, Sweetie had lost most of her fear and became Elizabeth’s constant waggily-tailed companion.

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