I Hate Healthcare Systems


The subject of today’s rant is healthcare; certainly healthcare in America, but don’t go away Canadians you aren’t off the hook. It doesn’t matter one iota if healthcare is privatized or socialized. Privatized systems (American) want your money, and your income can greatly affect the healthcare plan you choose, what illnesses are covered, and ultimately your quality of care. With socialized medicine (Canadian), not only can a patient’s choice of provider be greatly limited, but the wait time for care can be ridiculous.

medi1With either system, the overseeing agency/government gets to decide the scope of a patient’s care. If you need something a little different, too bad. Which is not to say that doctors, nurses and caregivers don’t give a damn about their patients, but between the demands of the job and the limits of the healthcare system, their efforts are greatly hindered to say the least. The real problem is, in my not-so-humble opinion, is that the humanity of caring for other human beings has almost completely vanished. To put it simply, if you need medical care, you should be able to get quality care in a timely fashion and it shouldn’t make a difference who you are, where you live, or how much money you make. We can put a phone on a wristwatch, but we can’t figure this out? Really?! I realize that I’m using broad strokes here. I could go on and on about this honestly, but I won’t.

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