I (Still) Love Pet Adoption


My mother read my blog about Sweetie this morning and was a little miffed I didn’t mention our dog Charley and he deserves a shout-out, so here it is Mom:

Charley, or Prince Charles as he is known at the dog park, adopted my parents at the tender age of two, having been rescued from a heartbreakingly limited life by the local authorities and sent to the aptly named organization Grateful Paws. Charley had spent the better part of his early life subsisting on inadequate nutrition and living in an old van.

Charley leaving the van
Charley leaving van life

Despite this rocky start, Charley is a good-natured gentleman who loves children, adults, other dogs, and a good game of tug. When my parents first agreed to be foster parents, they had no idea that they would soon be adopted by this sweetheart. It takes time for a human to adjust to a new family member, after all.

But Charley was patient with them, and soon my mother realized that she was “a failed foster parent” and the appropriate paperwork was filed. Today Charley happily trots about the house, goes on walks with the neighbor, and greets newcomers at the dog park.

Charley and Sweetie
Charley and Sweetie

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